Long Sutton is a classic example of an historic settlement, steeped in the midst of time. It is a linear village, and one with a church, a manor house, a duck pond, a school and a post office at its centre. On the edge of the village and well within the parish, lies the 1200 acres of LWC.
Geologists amongst you will know that millions of years ago, this region was a warm shallow tropical sea (think Caribbean – hence the chalk). Ammonites, sea urchins and sharks’ teeth (all fossilised) have been found in the fields around Sheephouse Copse over the years, as well as a small meteorite…
The Anglo-Saxon village name can be traced back to AD979, when it was known as Suthtune (derived from Suth Tun), which means ‘South Farm’. It has gone through several iterations since. Sudtune (11th C), Launge Sutton (12th C), Longa Sutton (13th C) and Sheep Sutton (18th C), reverting back to Long Sutton in the 19th C.
It originally formed part of the manor of Crondall. The village was located on the ancient trackway known as the Harroway, one of the oldest roads in England and part of the Pilgrims’ Way. Although stone axe-heads, a Roman weight and a Roman coin have been found in the Long Sutton area, there is no evidence that there was a permanent settlement here before Saxon times. Of broader interest, perhaps, is the Anglo-Saxon words, which helps us decipher place names in our area.
But why write this?
Names are important. They guide us; they paint a picture of our history; they frame us in our landscape and they tell our geographical story. Over the years, LWC has adopted the names of the fields around the farm and attributed them to boarding houses and the like and has done the same with a small number of individuals in our history. As we head into the second century of our existence and continue to grow, there is a strong desire to adopt into our heritage the most influential women and men in our history, enhance our village / heritage feel and bring LWC to life with the addition of new places names.
With that in mind, below you will find the most up-to-date map of the LWC site with the additional and changed names, along with a potted history of each of them. The names will guide our guests and help our community learn more of our history, not to mention to better understand our place in the landscape. Should you wish to learn more, do speak with Clare Faherty, our Alumni Relations Manager, to purchase a copy of Hugh Podger’s brilliant book on the History of LWC 1912-2009. It is a treasure trove. Who knew, for example, that the Juniors had to dig out their swimming pool by hand back in the day…
Pitches and green space
The Green (West and East)
Formerly Hazelveare / Summerfield pitches – this recognises the village feel of that space.
The grass pitch nearest to Hazelveare will be West Green and the Astro cricket pitch will be East Green. The cricket nets will be the East Green nets.
The Paddock
Behind the Prideaux car park – again, recognising a village feel.
1st team cricket ground – recognising George Warner, the first member of staff who ran cricket and cut the pitch out with his own hands, helped by pupils. He was, by all accounts, a legend.
1st team rugby ground – in honour of Jonny Wilkinson, a somewhat well-known Rugby World Cup winner and former LWC player.
Southview pitches
Formerly Sutton pitches – nestled in the landscape as the best southerly views on campus.
Bramley netball and tennis centre
Formerly Park Courts – Bramley was the location of Gosden, LWC’s Prep School and where girls continued their education when the boys moved to Long Sutton many decades ago.
Spaces in between building – Courtyards
Dawber Court Sir Guy Dawber – renowned architect who designed the formal buildings of LWC (now all Grade 2 listed).
Henderson Court
Former Head – Neil Henderson.
Dodd Court
Former Head – Guy Dodd who undertook a good deal of building in and around the area of the current day Art department.
Stern Court
Recognising Sydney Stern – our Founder, whose statue will be placed there.
Hubble Court
Second Headmistress and matron of Gosden House, Bramley (Grace Hubble).
May Court (School House)
First Headmistress and senior matron of Gosden House (Frances May), though it may also be named after the May (Hawthorn) tree that used to grow there.
Belfry Court
Recognising the old bell that used to call pupils to and from lessons, not to mention mealtimes, above the current History and Geography departments.
The Avenue
Formerly Main Drive – in recognition of the fact is it next to The Green and to bring a heritage feel.
Little Lane
Former Head – Colonel Little (second Head of LWC).
The Street
Space running from the Science Centre through to Art.
The Blomfield Gates
The main entrance to LWC – recognising renowned architect, Sir Reginald Blomfield, who designed the gates.
Woods / Copses
Snow Hill Copse
After the train station in Birmingham that the first pupil to Gosden travelled from, to LWC (well, Hook station).
Centenary Wood
Planted with 200 Oaks and 100 Hazel trees (late March 2023), and with an outdoor classroom at its centre.
Kimbers Copse
Named after the field that runs next to the copse, not the esteemed Mr Kimber, alas!
For those interested, a copse is where coppicing takes place. Historically, a good deal took place at LWC (and continues to do so).
The Flowers Science Centre
After the biggest donors in our history, William and Jesse Flower, who bequeathed the College £2.1m for the Foundation in 2013. Jesse was a pupil at Gosden House, Bramley.
Zanetas (pronounced Zan-et-ars)
The new Sixth Form Centre (SFC) where the library was– after the name of Sydney Stern’s yacht. The building length of the Sixth Form Centre is almost identical to the length of Sydney Stern’s steam yacht. These yachts travelled the world and even reached Antarctica. As part of our centenary celebrations, we have commissioned a sculpture of Sydney Stern to be located in Stern Court, next to Zanetas.
Current Sixth Form Centre and soon to be the location of the Junior Centre – in recognition of Alexander (Sandy) Henderson, Headmaster. Built during his tenure.
We have yet to name / rename the areas around Junior House. This will be done once the work begins on transforming that space in the years ahead as part of the ever-evolving Strategy 2030.
I hope you enjoy starting to use the new names.
Julyans took hold relatively quickly and is now firmly in our lexicon. Fingers crossed the other will do the same.
Adam Williams